New Metatrader Integration

Solitics now supports live contextual pop-up messages on the MT4 and MT5 desktop app through an integration with CPattern.

By Solitics


We are proud to announce an exciting new channel! Solitics now supports live contextual pop-up messages on the MT4 and MT5 desktop app through an integration with CPattern.

This new channel combined with Solitics’ real time data management & automation platform presents new opportunities to increase engagement and generate revenue uplifts.

Brokers can now communicate with their traders in real-time while they are trading, based on their historical data and live actions within the MetaTrader app!

They can update them on live market events, margin calls, trading trends, professional trading tips and more, seamlessly and without any integration efforts from the brokers’ side.

Furthermore, this is a two-way integration which enables brokers to provide personalized trading tips based on the traders’ interests and trading activity.

Solitics’ platform is designed to meet the forex’s industry needs. It connects to all the distributed data sources, works with the raw data and makes it available in real-time.

By combining this with a multitude of marketing and communication channels, It creates a powerful automation and personalization tool that enables forex companies to respond personally and contextually to each trader within 1.8 seconds.

Now marketers can create real-time customer journeys, dynamic segmentation and content, personalized promotions, based on ALL the data and in real-time!

This new channel further adds to the reach and impact Solitics offers brokers and is part of Solitics’ mission to change the way B2C brands use their data and create a positive personal customer experience for their clients.

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